Hello Internet, and welcome to the new home page! I must admit, historically, after a project is finished, I forget about it. This oversight often leads to information becoming outdated and stale. With this blog, I want to change that around and keep a current catalog of data and up-to-date information for anyone to enjoy.
One of my credos is I strongly believe in the freedom and open exchange of information on the Internet. Not only was this the principal for the foundation of the Internet, but also knowledge acquisition is a basic human trait. This website aligns with those ideologies as a place for information to be shared and ingested by curious visitors. We've all been new at some point, and many new people encounter the same problems. I know I did.
Please look around, read a few blog articles, and we can all explore this hobby together.
If any functionality can be improved upon, or if you want to start a friendly chat. Please reach out! administrator@kn6vzx.radio